Commission welcomes new Public Employment Services Network

The European Commission welcomes the official launch of the Public Employment Services Network, a new cooperation structure helping Member States further coordinate their policies and actions against unemployment and reinforcing the European economic governance framework.
Upgrading the support provided by Member States' public employment services to young people is particularly important for the practical implementation of the Youth Guarantee.
This new Network is based on a Council and European Parliament Decision to maximise the efficiency of public employment services through closer cooperation adopted in May 2014, in line with the 2012 Employment Package.
The new structure will provide greater opportunities for:
- comparing public employment services performance against relevant benchmarks,
- identifying good practices, and
- improving co-operation, including through mutual learning and peer to peer assistance programmes.
One of the more immediate tasks facing the Network is to exchange knowledge and successful practices on the implementation of the Youth Guarantee, as most public employment services are the designated national contact points for this crucial reform.
The Network will also help Member States to better implement the country-specific recommendations addressing the public employment services, as issued by the Council in the framework of the European Semester.
(Source: European Commission website)
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