

Find new energies and skills in young people enrolled to Youth Guarantee. They have between 15 to 29 years old and they can help you to innovate and increase your market competitiveness.

Young Guarantee gives companies economic employment bonus for new hires and a specific support for the activation of traineeships or  Higher Education and Research apprenticeships.

The economic employment bonus is intended for companies whom activate new employment contracts (permanent, temporary 6-12 months, temporary ≥ 12 months) to young people registered online to Youth Guaranteee program. The economic support can also be activated when Civil Service, Internship or Higher Education and Research apprenticeships are transformed in an employment contracts as mentioned above.

Companies, foundations, associations and professional offices with headquarters in Basilicata can host a traineeships and have labor costs reductions.


- Open-ended contract: employment bonus from €1,500 to € 6,000 based on the profiling.

- Fixed-term contract: employment bonus from 1,500 to € 4,000 depending on the profiling.

- Higher Education and Research apprenticeships (level III): may be granted an incentive for hiring.

- Internship: There is a monthly bonus (450€) to the trainee. In case of transformation of the training period in an employment contract, the incentive for companies is an economic bonus from 1,500 to 6,000€ according to the profiling.

- Civil Service: It's expected a monthly allowance of € 433.80 paid directly to the volunteer.

- Economic bonus employment: The bonus is given to a company when a trainee or a Civil Service volunteer is hired. Bonus is paid always based on the profiling of the young.

The italian Decree on January 23, 2015 n.11 amending the previous one on August 8,  2014 n.1709, makes possible the cumulation of the bonus with other economic incentives or national-regional tax relief, excluded the Higher Education and Research apprenticeships, the domestic work and other contracts tipologies.

The bonus for the activation of new employement contracts is managed by INPS.

If you want to activate an internship, you must express your interest through an electronic procedure, with a digital signature or pin, on the Basilicata Region website - calls section (Public Notice in italian language "Call for applications for the detection of host organizations and individuals promoters of extracurricular internships").

It’s active an information telephone number +39 800.29.20.20. Service available Monday to Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 06.00 p.m.